SQL Summary
Creating Tables
1 | create table unit |
1 | create table unit |
梯度下降是机器学习优化中常用的算法,因为凸函数 (convex function) 沿着负梯度方向移动一定能够到达全局最小值 (global minimum),在实际应用中由于损失函数大多数情况下不能保证为凸函数,因此梯度下降法更可能在局部 (局部凸函数) 找到局部极小值 (local minimum).
Shell Summary ## Test
Auto encoder is a kind of method to reduce the dimension of input data, it's a shallow neural network which learning the weights by back propagation.
关于隐语义模型(latent factor model)的介绍,项亮博士在《推荐系统实践》中有过介绍,这本书的确是推荐系统方向非常非常棒的书籍. 我在用python实现书中隐语义模型时遇到了一些问题和坑,因此用这篇博客进行记录并总结,之后有新的或更深的理解会及时更新本文.
pandas 使用 loc()
方法过滤(获取)到的数据不能够直接在if, while, for
The model will become overfitting when it is trying too hard to capture the outliers in the training dataset and the accuracy will have a low accuarcy in the testing set.
I am going to introduce the concept of Confusion Matrix before talking about the ROC as well as AUC since I think this will help us to understand them better. Confusion Matrix is a performance measurement for machine learning classification, which is a specific table layout. Let us undetstand TP, FP, FN and TN first.